Congratulations CLEO ! For being caring, and a good communicator.
Our PYP theme
Who we are
Our line of inquiry:
Exploring our interests through games
This week started with Solea’s show and tell. They all did a good job asking questions about Solea’s toy. And were all very curious, and fascinating.
Circle time: Why is it important for you to play? Children shared their ideas about why they like playing, and their emotions while playing.
Free flow numeracy: Children could choose an activity freely. They had to complete the activity while the music was on, when the music stopped they could change.
Project time: They decided that they wanted to play the “toy store” game again.
On Tuesday,
TPS, PS, MS. Working on number 0 to 5
Working on adding
On Thursday,
they attempted to create a toy using a variety of materials: cardboards, paints, scissors, glues, salt dough …Etc. Some of them created masks, some of them created pistols, others created balls or cubes.
TPS,PS,MS, worked on the Sound S, they did an amazing job !
GS: Based on their good knowledge of the sounds S,A,T,P,I,N they started blending sounds together to form well-known words.
Free flow literacy: We had set up 3 stations, they could move around the classroom and choose the station they wanted. Tracing, letter matching, or memory game.
On Friday,
Phonics: TPS,PS, MS: worked on sound S
GS: blending well-known sounds together in order to read short words.
We elected the star of the week: Cleo!