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Our schooling

The only international double cursus program in Reunion.

Here is a short video that summarizes rather well why.

Ma Kindy : Un enseignement différent

Ma Kindy : Un enseignement différent

About the IB

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global reference in international education. It develops young people's intellectual curiosity, knowledge, self-confidence and selflessness. Our programs provide school-age students with the means to take charge of their learning. They help them acquire essential skills for their future so they can thrive and make a difference in a fast-changing world.

A propos du UK Curriculum

Le système britannique, second meilleur programme éducatif Européen en 2022,

est reconnu mondialement pour l'excellence

de son approche pédagogique

et éducative différente. 

Le UK curriculum met l’accent sur plusieurs points tels que l’individualisation et le développement personnel. Lors des évaluations, la créativité ainsi que le processus sont plus valorisés que le produit final.

Il favorise l’essai et l’encouragement face à la sanction, la critique et la responsabilité

de l’individu. 

Le A-level reste le diplôme le plus attractif depuis 5 ans.



Full English immersion

4 transdisciplinary themes 

of the IB program

UK curriculum

Skills base

UK/IB certified teachers

Elementary years

70% du temps scolaire est consacré au programme britannique

30% du temps scolaire est consacré au programme français*

6 thèmes transdisciplinaires

du programme de l'IB

Socle de compétences du curriculum UK

Enseignants certifiés UK/IB

tests officiels  de chaque programme / TOEFL

*Seule la partie française de l'éducation nationale est dispensée par un professeur des écoles certifié. 

Secondary years

8 subject groups+

IB teaching 

12 teaching units

UK education

English total immersion

Entry Level Test

French English

UK/IB certified teachers

Exclusively international dual curriculum



Contact us for more information about our program

Extra-curricular activities at Ma Kindy

Extracurricular activities are important alongside academic performance at Ma Kindy. With opportunities to participate in a variety of music and art, science and technology, and sports sessions, your children will enrich their school experience, taking learning beyond the classroom.

bureau Crafting

Immersion Wednesdays

At Ma Kindy, we offer Wednesday immersions: a day in our school where we offer a total immersion in English, combined with several fun activities.

On demand entry only. The service/package includes equipment and meals.

Only Wednesdays during school time are included. There is no daycare service on Wednesdays during the school vacations.

Reception hours: from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Holiday camps

In addition to the Wednesday immersion day, Ma Kindy offers holiday camps during the vacation periods.

Enrollment is by the week from Monday to Friday. The service includes equipment and meals.

Reception hours: from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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