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CE1-CE2 / Week 2- news of the week

Photo du rédacteur: info Makindyinfo Makindy


Congratulations !!!

Stirling For Being Reflective, being principled and for being caring.

Our PYP theme: WHO WE ARE

Our line of inquiry: Balanced Life Style

Welcome back to school,

During the1ST WEEK,

We have focused our listening, reading and writing skills with our literacy exploration of the book “Feelings” and some question poetry. We discussed what is a book, the theme and the function of a story and how it communicates and invokes our thinking skills.

We linked this book study to our numeracy and science inquiry: We asked ourselves valuable questions as to what it means to be human. How our heart rate works, and how we can measure it. Students investigated 3 different types of activities to place them on a data recording sheet.

On Tuesday, we talked about the importance to buy healthy food. Therefore, we looked at money and shopping.

During this time we worked on:

  • Exploring a book

  • Measuring our heart rate

  • Counting and shopping

  • Poetry

  • Questions words

  • Grammar focus- Capitals: names and days of the week

  • Phonics SAT/PIN

During these two days, I have enjoyed seeing students getting along well, and their positive attitudes. I noticed growth and awareness in time management skills as well as taking the time to reflect and make corrections.

During teaching time, all students were knowledgeable and inquiring, asking lots of questions, and willing to explore, act and see the results.

Looking forward to next week.

Highlights of the week :

Students were fascinated by the exploration of a book, figuring out data when it came to measuring our heart rate.

Specific informations for families :

We need some old big T-shirts for messy activites as the plastic ones the Students said it was too hot to do activities in them.

Next events :

We will be going on an outing to see the whales soon, look out for the details of our first school trip.

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